Tuesday 28 February 2012

Sexy Strip 3

sexy strip 2

Sexy Strip 1

Some fave pics

office eye candy

Guys in joggers watch

 Come on, be honest how many times have you been walking or shopping when you see a guy wearing jogging bottoms and a little more showing than normal wobbling about inside them??

Sunday 19 February 2012

Half dressed

 Following on from the half undressed look , some pics I found whilst browsing various sites of men half clothed, some amazing photos makes me want to just jump in there and pounce lol!

In a state of undress.....

In past relationships we all develop different things with different partners , however wierd or starge they may seem.
My first love was the safest and probably looking back the most boring, if it didnt start with him lay on his back getting sucked then it simply wasnt sex to him..
relationships change , relationships fail, and over time I have developed different turn ons.
An ex of 2 years ago was a keen Rugby player every thursday evening he would go straight to training and on sunday would play a match against another team.
When I looked at him in his kit more and more I developed an urge to rip down his shorts and just get on with ... basicly sex... its the sense of his legs so toned and the socks pulled up showing only a little bit of his leg with his shorts , it developed until it reached the point that when he was home I made him keep on his rugby clothes when we had sex, I liked to see his shorts around his ankles and his socks still neatly pulled up, as if he didnt even have time to completley strip naked before we started ' full on sex'
his top would come off at times , but I always felt aroused that his underwear or shorts were still on and around his ankles whilst we were having sex.
We all seem to have different turn ons and thats just one of mine..... lots more believe me
 Busy day at work and then straight to the gym..... busy on the treadmill trying not to show that your looking at the guy who is either on the treadmill opposite or in a world of his own lifting weights, pfwooorrr look at those legs, look at that packet!!   wish I was a fly on the wall in the changing rooms!! .... MMMM I wonder what they have packing inside those jogging bottoms or shorts???